Joined October 2020
Weight History

Start Weight
65.5 kg
Lost so far: 1.6 kg

Current Weight
67.1 kg
Performance: Losing 2.1 kg a Week

Goal weight
56.7 kg
Still to go: 10.4 kg
Hello! I am a mid 50's mom of grown kids and cute dogs, wife, sister, teacher-librarian. I've yo-yo dieted since middle school, was diagnosed with Hashimoto's in my 20's, had my thyroid removed in my 30's, and went through early menopause in my 40's. After a lifetime of letting my weight control my happiness and self esteem, and after my 20-something daughters pointed out how toxic my self deprecation has been, I finally decided to figure it out once and for all. I also realized that my time to get healthy was running out. If I want to continue to be able to do my favorite activities e.g. be one of the tourists hiking the Cliffs of Mohr rather than waving at them from the bus, I needed to get it together. On October 3, 2018, I started the weight loss journey yet again, but this time with a different level of commitment. I've gone about 90% vegetarian and told my sweet husband that he would have to take some responsibility for feeding himself if he wanted more than roasted cauliflower for dinner. And I did great, for a while. I lost 40 pounds in the next 8 months and got to within less than 10 pounds of my goal weight, then I took a break. I managed to keep the scale steady until December, then a few pounds crept on over the Christmas holidays and hung around until Covid lockdown hit and then they found a few friends. So, now I have 20 pounds to lose instead of just 10. Also, I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis in my back and Osteopenia in my hips in July so I have been figuring out how to add some more high calcium and protein foods into my diet without adding too many extra calories.
I had used Noom to help me before, but after the first couple months I found I was really only using the food and exercise logs. Fat Secret offers those functions as well as a weight loss community and I have enjoyed the weight loss communities I have been involved in over the years. I'm hoping to find a new community of losers to share my revitalized journey with.

Kristinbeth's Weight History

Kristinbeth's Recent Food & Exercise

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