Fritzy 22's Journal

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10 May 2024

A few days ago I heard someone on TV talking about things to do to live longer. One of the things he said was to have more protein than carbs. I wondered how I could possibly do that. I don't eat much meat although I have been having chicken more often. I usually try for at least 60 grams of protein (more than enough for me per my doctor) and to keep carbs below 100 grams (took a break from that for a couple months). So I googled what can I eat that isn't meat that has more protein than carbs. Eggs, cheddar cheese (I snack on low fat mozzarella sticks which has the same amount of carbs and protein with half the calories), pumpkin seeds (another frequent snack), and Greek yogurt. I used to eat yogurt when all there was was Yoplait. I know I wouldn't like plain unsweetened yogurt. On my trip to the new Costco which I wrote about yesterday, I bought a box of Oikos triple zero yogurt. 18 servings so I better like it. 15 grams of protein and lower carbs. I ate it for the first time yesterday and it wasn't as sweet as the yogurt I buy once in awhile, but I'll get used to it. I now have some hard boiled eggs in the refrigerator. So for yesterday and what I plan to eat today carbs are in the 60's and that includes blackberries. Instead of 2 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds I've had 4. Protein has been around 70-80grams. It's motivating right now. Of course, the hot dog from Costco the other day ruined that day for carbs!

09 May 2024

Yesterday I went to a Costco about a half hour away that opened in the past year. I had let my membership expire in 2020 after Covid hit. I remember my last trip to Costco was about a week before the lock down began and I bought enough cat litter for a year! I enjoyed yesterday so much. The new Costco is in an area that isn't a big population area. The parking lot wasn't crowded and neither was the store. I didn't look everything to avoid temptation. Spent $100 on 8 items. Just bought 1 box of cat litter, a rotisserie chicken (same price but much smaller than before), blackberries and the frozen triple berries I used to buy all the time. There was no line to buy gas and it was cheaper by nearly $1 than it is in my area. I never bought gas at Costco in the past because of huge lines. I remember during the Covid years people would get upset at "hoarding". It's good now to buy in bulk and stock up and not feel guilty. I did get a hot dog and soda at the food court. I'm not supposed to eat processed meat, but I love Costco hot dogs. Bobby kept bugging me for more rotisserie chicken. I only eat white meat so share the chicken with Bobby and the cats. I can't give Bobby too much because he will get sick if he has too much fat.

So far the reset on my eating is working. I'm almost back to the last weight I posted, 3 pounds and then I can really focus on getting past the 170's. Now I'm just hoping to get below 180. Even though I had tacos on Tuesday and the 560 calorie Costco hot dog yesterday I am staying in my calorie range. Now I will try to stay below 100 carb grams consistently.

07 May 2024

Day 3 of reset number 250 (estimate resetting approx once a month at least for the last 20 years!) My neighbor came over to fix a heavy drawer in my kitchen under the oven. He tried a little over a week ago but I needed to replace some parts for metal tracks and plastic hinges. Last week he also worked on a sliding screen door that was impossible to open. Today I still needed to find a different length track. I told him I'd call him when I got home. Went to the hardware store in my town and they didn't have it so I texted my neighbor I was driving to Grass Valley to look at the hardware stores there (30 minutes away). Called him from the 2nd hardware store and told him no one had a bigger size so could we just use the size we have. Told him I was getting tacos from Jimboy's and did he want some. He said Sure. I owe him at least 2 meals out for all the stuff he's been fixing for me around the house. Long way to say I had 2 tacos and a large coke today but worked in to my daily calories today. Way over on carbs again though, but I wanted the coke! I did have to have a protein bar because I was too low on protein for the day. My neighbor has a 2nd home here and spends a few days to a week here a couple times a month. Bobby loves him, he loves company and my neighbor has been here maybe a dozen times. I bought a 6 pack of tacos but only ate two and gave him the rest. My neighbor, not Bobby.

So hopefully my CICO for today will be okay. Want to get back 100 or fewer carb grams a day.

Spent about an hour this morning weed wacking raking and pulling weeds,so much easier after the heavy rain on Saturday. Felt like good exercise because it tired me out.

Wild turkeys visit me while I work outside. I put sunflower seeds all over my bank near the pond for the birds and turkeys although the deer come running if they know the seeds are there. One of the bucks turns and looks at me when I say "hi Buck". He knows his name! One of the girl turkeys, a little hen has babies she brings to the bank around 4pm. First saw them Sunday and again yesterday. I went to ask my neighbor to please try to keep her cats inside as much as possible so these babies have a chance. Ever since she got 2 young cats about 2 or 3 years ago there haven't been chicks around my house. These cats are hunters!

06 May 2024

I finally decided to step on the scale yesterday. It was worse than I expected. I consoled myself that it was after 2 mugs of coffee and half a a bagel so my usual first thing in the morning weight could be as much as 4 pounds lower. It wasn't. I weighed myself this morning and although 2 pounds lower than yesterday it is still 7 pounds higher than my posted weight. I know all the reasons why. I've been getting food at restaurants to bring home and don't make healthy choices. Especially because I wait until I'm really hungry before going out to get something. Anyway, the weight I saw on the scale yesterday motivated me enough to get the microwave out of the closet in spite of it being so heavy I could hardly get it to the kitchen. But it's there now and yesterday I had a Lean Cuisine and then later half a tuna sandwich. Will probably have the same thing today. In January I set a goal to to exceed 100 carbs grams a day. Yesterday it was nearly 170 even though calories were fine. It was the Lean Cuisine (over 50 grams), half a bagel and a slice of potato bread. I also had a honey crisp apple. Still, it was much better than the chicken strips I've several times and am now craving.

No one looked at my house over the weekend. I was happy about that on Saturday when it was pouring rain all day, was windy and very cold for May. Then yesterday there was a garage sale at many houses so maybe that kept people away. I'm not expecting any one this week based on the last 2 weeks.

02 May 2024

I talked to my realtor today. She has a partner she works with who seems really to be her assistant. That's who contacts me about showings and everything else and who tried to figure out why my house doesn't show up in my neighborhood on She found out why but it seems to be something that is unfixable. Anyway, I told my agent I was concerned because I am getting so few showings, also I wondered if the lower commission might mean fewer agents will show it. And other issues. She said the commission is not an issue, almost everyone is doing lower commissions now, 5%. And she has 6 or 7 other listings (all showing up correctly in!) and no one is getting any showings right now. She said it is unusual because this is usually the best time of year for buying and selking a house. But mortgage rates are still high and getting home owner's insurance is very difficult and expensive. State Farm and another company, maybe Allstate won't write new policies. Felt a little better, that it's not just my house

I'm getting take out everyday so I don't have to worry about cleaning the stove or kitchen. Not a good thing, I know. I'm scared to step on the scale. But at least I am not snacking much. But I discovered chicken strips for the first time and had them 3 times last week! Now I'm tired of them. Got a foot long sandwich at Subway today, half for tomorrow. I'm going to ask my neighbor, who is gone for a week,to help me move my microwave from a closet to the kitchen counter. I had moved it before pictures were taken of my house. Now I want it back! I have a dozen Lean Cuisines in the garage freezer. Maybe not the best choice, but easy and better than chicken strips and meatball sandwiches.

Bobby went to the groomer yesterday and looks just beautiful! No one would call him Scruffy today

Fritzy 22's Weight History

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